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The creative graphic design solution for your business, because visual appearance matters: websites, logos, branding, labels, packaging, business cards and more.
What is graphic design? Everything around you, every label, product package, newspaper, magazine, logo, business card, phone app, website, behind all of it are people like me working on computers, drawing, sketching, thinking about how to make things attractive to encourage your customers to purchase your product or service.
Why is graphic design important? Graphic design is where projects, products, and services get a visual appeal for the world to see. Designers use colours, shapes, fonts, images and much more to evoke an emotional response that makes people more likely to purchase or experience something. Creating a simple storytelling message in an aesthetically appealing package is the main purpose of good design.
Why should you contact and partner with a graphic designer? Engaging the services of a graphic designer allows you to achieve a unique and cohesive theme for your internet presence and/or physical products. While services such as Canva or Shopify exist, allowing you to quickly set up a template-based, generic internet storefront, a custom, the original design will send a clear visual message to potential customers, increasing engagement and sales.
When should you find your graphic designer? When starting a new business or project, when considering rebranding, or when you are developing a new product. The designer will guide you through the process of selecting the right look for your site or product packaging. This process is teamwork, the designer will collaborate closely with you to present your business to your customers in a way that makes a lasting impression.